PPP [PIECING PIECES PATTERN] is a pattern work that has been produced and explored for over 20 years. P is also used in other words, I would like to put other meanings, such as PROJECT (planning), PROLIFERATION (proliferation), and PROPAGATION (propagation), in “P.” These are themes that can be combined and linked together.

🅑 On the premises of Bashamichi Station on the Minato Mirai Line (in front of Tully’s on the B1 level)
5-49 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama

Kannai DistrictPublic Art Table


Born in Tokyo in 1969. On September 11, 2001, he began creating patterns with the theme of “connecting” and continues to work across the boundaries of art, architecture, design, and other fields. He also designs and produces three-dimensional objects based on the same principle. Major works include the Tokyo 2010 Olympic and Paralympic emblems, the glass pattern for the lower level of the Dainagoya Building, and the TOKOLO PATTERN MAGNET.