Regenerative Backcountry Tablebench

An old house dismantled in the terraced rice field village of Kamanuma-kita, in the city of Kamogawa, was reconstructed into a tablebench. Using the mortises of the salvaged columns, the wooden components are held together with wedges and stoppers so that anyone can assemble and disassemble the structure. Unlike Minato Mirai, built only by professional constructors using brand-new industrial products, this contrarian structure traveled across Tokyo Bay.

BankART StationPublic Art Table

Atelier Bow-Wow + Tsukamoto Laboratory / Tokyo Institute of Technology

Atelier Bow-Wow | The firm was founded in 1992 by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima, and Yoichi Tamai joined the firm as a partner in 2015. Atelier Bow-Wow specializes in the design of architecture and public spaces, participation and curation of art and architecture exhibitions, writing, and education.
Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Laboratory, Department of Architecture, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology | First-year master’s students Miyuki Toyama, Masato Ochi, Yoshitaka Sutou, Takuo Oda, Hikari Suzuki, Hinako Kobayashi, Xu De Tian, and Abir Ezzedine.