Sunday Night Shoot at NYK by Erika Tan



BankART Mini で作品制作のための撮影をしました。

“Close your eyes, open them, and stare through the camera as if it were invisible. When your concentration shifts end the performance”. This was one of the briefs I gave Kato, Kara, Sasaki, Makino, Seiji and Chieko – all students from the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studios. I’m not sure they knew what to expect when they came to be filmed, but probably not this!
A simple set of instructions, but ‘staring’ is something that after a month in Yokohama I have hardly ever witnessed, although as a stranger here, I have done my own share of ‘hardlooking’.
The results of the filming will become part of a series of video work which combines the performances of these Butoh performers with the ‘performances’ or
‘dramatic’ sites of Yokohama mechanised car parks! This might sound a very
obscure connection and to see if it works you will have to come back to the show
next year and see for yourself! The residency has given me an opportunity to
experiment, and as it is such a luxury as an artist to be given this opportunity,
I thought I would make the most of it!